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2020-07-18 10:06:33 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 macOS 现在入手 mac,还是等等苹果自己的处理器?
不算刚需。手头有旧本本,但是非 retina 的,看起来眼睛有点不舒服
2020-07-11 10:42:51 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 macOS 现在买 Macbook pro 划算吗?
Apple suppliers will begin competing to win manufacturing orders for new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models with Mini-LED displays in the first quarter of 2021, according to Taiwanese research firm TrendForce.
2020-05-28 02:04:07 +08:00
回复了 meisen 创建的主题 macOS CleanMyMac X 上架 App Store
@belin520 使用 windows 时已经见识了国内各种大师、卫士、助手的厉害,在 Mac 上肯定远离这类国产 app--哪怕倒贴钱。
2020-05-04 12:09:47 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 macOS Droplr for Mac 录制的视频,临时储存地址是什么呢?
自己回复一下吧:open $TMPDIR
com.droplr.droplr-mac 下面就有 mov 文件
2020-04-21 00:22:00 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 问与答 求一款非安卓系统的老年人手机
2020-03-24 11:19:57 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 macOS Opera 浏览器关闭标签页的符号,如何移到右边?
opera 还是有些亮点的:
选中文字后,可以直接搜索或者其它操作(像 iphone 那样)
自带 vpn 插件
2020-01-04 13:00:39 +08:00
回复了 iTvX 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 如何优雅的带着 mbp 去上课?
2019-11-05 11:44:15 +08:00
回复了 hugebug 创建的主题 Apple 打算双十一入 macbook pro 有高性价比渠道推荐吗?
B&H 感恩节会有 300~500 刀的优惠。不用理会赵国的双十一。
2019-10-28 02:39:05 +08:00
回复了 tenstone 创建的主题 程序员 你通常使用什么写作工具?
2019-10-27 23:07:55 +08:00
回复了 endosome 创建的主题 iPhone 大家觉得 ios 上,哪款天气应用最值得推荐
@noir ios 系统自带的天气数据,在我所在地区离谱地出错。不然没有必要折腾
2019-10-06 04:50:45 +08:00
回复了 loveivs 创建的主题 Apple 想看 Apple TV,跪求解决方案,希望推荐好机场
Google Fi
2019-09-24 05:01:27 +08:00
回复了 g76 创建的主题 macOS macOS 有类似 windows 上 BgInfo 这种改壁纸的软件么?
Wallpaper Wizard
2019-09-24 05:00:51 +08:00
回复了 vcfghtyjc 创建的主题 macOS Mac 上有什么好用的 PDF 软件?
用过几乎大部分的 pdf app。综合起来,还是 Adobe Acrobat 最为强大,也最为靠谱。不过那个价钱也很感人。
2019-06-18 04:07:06 +08:00
回复了 sjmcefc2 创建的主题 程序员 能推荐一款好用的日程管理软件不?
如果管理某些已经预定好具体日期的日程,最好的选择是 fantastical 或者 google calendar
如果是流水账,建议 todoist 或者微软的 todo
如果是对项目进行“非具体日期”的规划,例如未来一个星期、一个月的行动计划,建议 omnifocus 或者 Things
2019-06-11 10:51:03 +08:00
回复了 sekfung 创建的主题 汽车 想买一辆 SUV,落地预算 14W-16W,有什么推荐吗
What SUV Buyers Should Consider
Almost all SUVs carry at least five people. Some midsized and full-sized models include a third-row seat that increases passenger capacity to six, seven, or eight. But many three-row SUVs have limited cargo space when the third-row seats are upright. Most third-row seats can fold flat when not in use, or nearly so, opening up additional luggage space.

The SUV ’ s versatile seating configurations mean that all the space behind the front seats is available for cargo when the second- and third-row seats fold flat. The most convenient type of third-row seat is one with a split design, so one part can be folded for cargo while still allowing someone to sit in the other part. SUVs usually have a higher cargo floor than minivans do, which can make loading heavy objects difficult. Some luxury models come with air suspensions, so drivers can lower the vehicle for easier loading. On the other hand, truck-based models typically have higher maximum payload capacities, so drivers can carry more weight. Some even offer power-operated, hands-free liftgates, making it easier to access the cargo bay.

Safety and Advanced Driver-Assist Systems Technologies
Consumer Reports ’ safety ratings include assessments of crash-avoidance capabilities and crash-test results, based on tests performed by the federal government and insurance industry. Further, our road tests detail issues regarding child seat installation and headlight performance.

Forward collision warning (FCW), automatic emergency braking (AEB) with pedestrian detection, and blind spot warnings (BSW) are crash avoidance technologies that CR believes should be standard on all vehicles. And these should be on the next new or used model you buy.

FCW technology provides a visual, audible, and/or tactile alert to warn the driver of an impending collision with a car or an object directly in its path. AEB responds to an imminent collision, braking if the driver doesn ’ t react in time. BSW monitors a vehicle ’ s flanks, warning drivers that another vehicle is alongside, where it may be difficult to see.

Other modern safety advances include telematics systems that can alert emergency personnel if an airbag deploys, such as GM ’ s OnStar service; lane departure warning systems that sound an alert if drivers change lanes without signaling; lane keeping assist to center the vehicle in the lane if drivers start to drift; and rear cross traffic alert that monitors the sides of the vehicle when drivers are backing out of a parking spot, and can even apply the brakes if needed. (Learn more about car safety.)

2WD vs. AWD vs. 4WD
Most SUVs use a front-drive platform and are available with all-wheel drive. Truck-based models have a rear-drive configuration and are available with four-wheel drive.

AWD and 4WD provide power to all wheels, but even though they sound similar, they ’ re not quite the same thing. AWD is a lighter-duty system that stays engaged and ready to vary the power distribution between front and rear wheels at any time. AWD is usually fine for typical adverse weather conditions and tackling dirt roads.

SUVS with true 4WD are few and far between. They have low-range gearing for tackling difficult off-road terrain, such as rocks or steep dirt hills. Drivers who travel almost exclusively on pavement without snow or ice, should consider a two-wheel-drive model; it will save on the purchase price and likely provide better fuel economy. These configurations are common in southern California, Texas, and Florida. Drivers who choose 4WD should look for a system that provides full-time 4WD operation. Don ’ t drive vehicles with part-time systems in 4WD mode on dry pavement, because they won ’ t be able to manage the power distribution front and back, affecting handling and potentially damaging the mechanical components.

Truck-based SUVs offer much more towing capacity than any other vehicle except pickup trucks. Most larger models can tow up to 9,000 pounds, or the equivalent of a large boat. Some powerful midsized models can pull as much as 5,000 pounds, enough for a small boat or camper. Buyers should look at the tow-capacity rating and be sure they get a vehicle that can comfortably handle the load they need to tow. Midsized and larger SUVs often require an optional tow package to reach that maximum rating.
2019-06-11 10:33:24 +08:00
回复了 sekfung 创建的主题 汽车 想买一辆 SUV,落地预算 14W-16W,有什么推荐吗

2019-05-23 00:52:24 +08:00
回复了 justin2018 创建的主题 Apple 求 Mac 和 iOS 颜值高的天气软件,主要是 Mac 上的~~
Mac: Carrot Weather
IOS: Hello Weather (提供不同来源的天气数据)
2019-03-25 10:39:13 +08:00
回复了 zhuwd 创建的主题 MacBook Pro Mac 上哪个 PDF 阅读工具比较好用?
如果只是阅读和标记,当然是自带的 Preview
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