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Open Source Data Anonymization and Synthetic Data Generation for Postgres and Mysql

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  •   edrenova26 · 164 天前 · 468 次点击
    这是一个创建于 164 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Hey All -

    I wanted to share an open source project that we're working on. It's an open source data anonymization and synthetic data generation platform called Neosync, you can check out the github here. The idea is that you can use Neosync to :

    • anonymize sensitive data so it’s safe for developers to use in stage, dev, local, etc.
    • sync data across environments - including subsetting with full referential integrity
    • generate synthetic data for better debugging, testing and feature development

    We've gotten good feedback from teams that have sensitive data (whether it's GDPR, DPDP in india, PII, PHI, etc.).

    Also have some devops teams using it to just easily sync data across multiple environments that are separated by VPCs without using PGDUMP. We support postgres, mysql and s3 today and building support for mongodb.

    Would love any feedback that folks have!

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