hjc4869 2014-11-11 00:37:18 +08:00 via iPhone
Cee 2014-11-11 01:20:46 +08:00 1
icyflash 2014-11-11 01:24:00 +08:00
WildCat 2014-11-11 06:58:44 +08:00 via iPhone
之前学生价 $198 买了又退款了,额,不好意思再申请了。
感觉不如写原生。 |
WildCat 2014-11-11 06:59:50 +08:00 via iPhone
最期望 Unity 学生免费,现在太贵
icylogic 2014-11-11 09:41:09 +08:00 via Android
已申请。。。 |
dbfox 2014-11-11 10:46:03 +08:00
WildCat 2014-11-11 10:53:59 +08:00 via iPhone 1
@dbfox 滥用可耻! GitHub就是被你这样的人玩坏的!
另外,之前没有免费的时候,申请学生优惠价,是需要上传身份证明的!洗洗睡 |
zoowii 2014-11-11 11:05:29 +08:00
Comdex 2014-11-11 12:25:10 +08:00
WildCat 2014-11-11 12:29:10 +08:00
@Comdex 尝试直接给他们 education@xxxx.com 那个邮箱发送申请,附上你的学生证照片,上面最好标注英文注释。
之前没有免费的时候我是这样申请的。 可以的话来 @下 我,我们学校邮箱坏了,联系老师了,但是还没修复。 |
dbfox 2014-11-11 15:00:40 +08:00
我没得罪你,github 被玩坏了,不是我导致的,你冲我嚷嚷什么?你不是神经病你是什么,看到我要邮箱你终于吐出不快了? |
SharkIng 2014-11-11 15:31:08 +08:00 via Android 1
@Comdex Hello, Thank you very much for your interest in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. With proof of enrollment, we can provide you with the student discount code. Please send us an email from a verifiable student account along with an image or scan of a document from the list below indicating your year of graduation (or an expiration date). If your institute does not provide email accounts to currently enrolled students, please scan and email a copy of two of the following documents (please note that at least one document should display your year of graduation or an expiration date in the case of a student ID): - Current student ID - Current enrollment schedule - Proof of enrollment letter Please note that this offer is only available to students currently enrolled in a degree or diploma-granting course of study. Let us know if you need any additional information. Thank you! Dominic |
SharkIng 2014-11-11 15:35:34 +08:00 via Android 1
WildCat 2014-11-11 15:53:26 +08:00 via iPhone
MeowCold 2014-11-11 18:10:36 +08:00
@dbfox 不用去管他当没看见就好了,github被玩坏了是反映出很多问题但其以偏概全是有点自以为是的调调 而且什么学生优越党你懂的 觉得这明明都是给他们这个群体的福利被你拿了肯定是有点吃味的 每个人有每个人的想法不用管他们的 按自己的来就行
lenjeans 2014-11-11 22:15:35 +08:00 1
@WildCat 给我回的是:Hello,
Thanks for providing your proof of student eligibility! You can use this link to claim your free Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android Indie student subscriptions for personal use: 然后就是链接。。。 (The link is good for one use, and will expire in two weeks.) Please validate that the total amount shows as $0 in your order summary before completing the purchase. You can use your student subscriptions to build and publish your apps - and if you build something awesome, please tell us about it by posting in our Show Us Your App forum: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/15779/show-us-your-apps Student subscriptions do not come with email support, but we know you’ll find our community to be amazingly supportive and we encourage you to dive in online at forums.xamarin.com and on stackoverflow.com. Last but not least, developers are getting together to talk about Xamarin all around the world every day. To find a user group meeting in your neighborhood, check out xamarin.meetup.com to find a group near you. 我E文不是太好。。如果理解错了 先说声抱歉了。 |
WildCat 2014-11-11 22:23:54 +08:00
您什么时候给他们发的邮件?这么快就回复了啊!我中午发的,希望明天醒来能收到 那个链接的有效期是两周,以前是1个月: Hi [name], Thank you for providing me with your proof of enrollment, along with the translations! That was very helpful. Please use the link below to purchase. https://store.xamarin.com/o/XXXX Please validate that the correct price is being applied in your order summary before completing your purchase. The link is good for one use and will expire in 30 days. Academic licenses should only be redeemed and used by you. I should mention that the Academic licenses include the full rights to build and ship applications in public app stores; however, in order for us to provide this great price, our Academic license only provides community support from our forums at forums.xamarin.com so we encourage you join in with the community there. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. |
lenjeans 2014-11-12 08:40:56 +08:00 1
@WildCat 我看到这个的时候申请的,昨晚8点34给我发的第一封邮件,我9点39给回复的学生证和身份证信息,9点44给我回复成功的信息。
WildCat 2014-11-12 10:17:56 +08:00 via iPhone
嗯,我也联系了一下,回复是非学生邮箱也可以填写那个表单申请: Thanks for contacting Xamarin! Students are able to sign up for the licenses even if they don't have a college email account; but we'll require additional verification instead. Please fill out the form here: http://xamarin.com/student Once you do that, you should hear from us about what we need in order to validate your student status. @Comdex 直接填写那个表单就可以了。不要联系 education 那个邮箱,他们似乎没回复。我问题联系 hi@xamarin.com ,回复速度很快 |
sum1201 2014-11-22 12:38:25 +08:00
有没有哪位兄弟帮忙弄一下。 。。。。。 |