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破解组织 CORE 的自我介绍,看完感觉挺触动的

  •   wbsdty331 · 2015-12-31 18:47:08 +08:00 · 1054 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3202 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hello scene members and fans of
    T H E
    (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering
    CORE has broken the 10.000 releases barrier (over 6700 keymakers). 
    We  are very proud that we have  achieved  this goal and we would
    like  to  thank everyone who helped CORE on its way to one of the
    top  positions in scene's hall of fame. 
    When we  introduced a lot of  internal standards to the scene no-
    one  thought that a  lot of  CORE's  intern  rules  would  become 
    later scene standard. Siteops called me crazy when I dropped  all 
    Couriers and  encouraged a  complete script-based release system.
    Core's X-Release  system was born  and our scripter has  done  an 
    awesome job  over the  years by  developing  scene's best release
    system.  It's  probably  the  most  complex  release-system  ever 
    created. And look at today's  groups -  everyone  is  using  pre-
    scripts on the sites which is  today  just a  small part  of  our 
    release system. 
    Even tho one may  question  the  time we've  wasted  nights  over 
    nights by bringing the end-user software for free, I have to  say 
    that we had a lot of fun. And we received in our best times about
    several hundred emails per day from  all over the  world. In  the
    last 2 years  especially  mails from countries like India, China, 
    african states, south  american  states, etc.  reached us! A  lot 
    of people thanked us for providing them  keygenerators  for free-
    registrations as they would have never been able  to  afford  the 
    license fees.When we messed a crack up, we always tried to fix it
    (at least in 99% of the cases).
    We opened sub-divisions like COREUTiL for fun to annoy old-school
    "util" groups when they opened their  mouth  too wide. I remember
    the days when we raced PWA with the finals of Win98SE,Office 2000 
    and  Windows 2k (all versions) - and we did win the race. PWA was 
    totally suprised - even their intern was- hehe. Well, it was pure 
    stress and I'm happy that these times are over for me. 
    We opened COREPDA to enhance our free-service onto the pda scene.
    Later other groups followed the groupnamePDA example. 
    All in all CORE just  had about 2-3 bigger (but short) flame wars 
    with other groups (usually  when other  groups  did steal/rip our
    keygens), which  is  pretty  low for  that  long time -  probably 
    because I've kept CORE always very silent & underground. 
    I guess no other group got more threats and flames from  program-
    mers, BSA, SPA, etc. CORE was  subject in  several news  magazine 
    articles, but our members always stayed out of  the public. And I 
    guess no other  group  stopped  more  often cracking  a  specific 
    product's future versions than we did - when an author  asked  us 
    nicely. I won't enter now the discussion  about  what's  wrong or
    right - a lot about cracking is wrong - a lot  about  cracking is
    right. It always depends on your point of view.
    I would like to congratulate everyone involved into  the  process
    of developing the CORE idea.Our best times are over for sure - no
    need to deny that (we've lost a lot of people  simply  due normal
    development in people's lives), but the fact that we still  exist 
    functional as such a small group (low number of  members)  proves 
    how perfect CORE got build up as an optimal scene group. 
    The warez/cracking scene is a place where you  can  have a lot of 
    fun. But it's also a dirty hole where you always meet people that
    try to commercialise warez once they  smell money. You  also meet
    people with lot of other criminal  energies  that  do  really bad 
    stuff besides  warez/cracking/whatever  you want to call  it. So,
    try to be a normal  guy beside  your software-madness  and  don't 
    shut your eyes - always accept reality  and  don't  get  lost  in 
    illusions about power. The scene loves to forget  about  its  own
    past. But scene is like a circle - everything repeats  after some
    time. There are just some very rare exceptions - and I think CORE
    is/was one of them.
    One day we will simply disapear by closing down our factory. That
    day is not today nor  tomorrow nor next week. But  it  will  come 
    sooner or later. I hope that you all enjoyed our work. Take care!
    Best regards
    The CORE leader
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