liumatoMBP-5:~ djgreat$ rvm use ruby --install --default Required ruby-2.4.1 is not installed - installing. Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time. No binary rubies available for: osx/10.12/x86_64/ruby-2.4.1. Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm help mount' to get more information on binary rubies. Checking requirements for osx. Installing requirements for osx. Updating system......... Installing required packages: autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, libyaml, readline, libksba, openssl@1.1There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log.
Try brew tap --repair
and make sure brew doctor
looks reasonable.
Check Homebrew requirements .... Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_libs_install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libyaml readline libksba openssl@1.1', please read /Volumes/DATA/Users/djgreat/.rvm/log/1512703777_ruby-2.4.1/package_install_autoconf_automake_libtool_pkg-config_libyaml_readline_libksba_openssl@1.1.log Requirements installation failed with status: 1. Gemset '' does not exist, 'rvm ruby-2.4.1 do rvm gemset create ' first, or append '--create'.