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Evernote Beijing - Manager, Data Engineering

  •   Evernote · 2017-12-18 14:37:57 +08:00 · 1377 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2483 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    北京印象笔记科技有限公司,简称“印象笔记”,成立于 2012 年 5 月 10 日。印象笔记致力于为广大用户提供技术开发、应用软件开发、互联网服务等多项产品和服务。2012 年 5 月 10 日,成立于美国硅谷的知名公司印象笔记正式在中国推出“印象笔记”服务,北京印象笔记科技有限公司全面负责“印象笔记”的运营和管理。


    主要投资者包括 Meritech Capital、CBC Capital、Sequoia Capital、Morgenthaler Ventures、DOCOMO。

    Email: [email protected]
    WeChat: tina_wang_weixin


    Key words: Data, Distributed system, Python, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, English

    • Design, build and maintain efficient and reliable data pipelines to move data across systems
    • Implement data workflows that let users aggregate and structure data for high-performance analytics
    • Collaborate with multiple teams in high visibility roles to implement new
    data workflows and lead the solution end-to-end
    • Design and develop new 3rd party integrations in a number of languages to
    facilitate effective data consumption
    • Work with Analytics Team to evaluate, benchmark and integrate state of the
    art open source data tools and technologies
    • Facilitate Growth team to continuously evaluate and deploy data infrastructure for detailed analysis
    • Monitor the data pipeline and workflow performance and optimize as needed

    • At least 3 years of software development experience
    • At least 2 years of experience working with data at scale, especially with
    distributed systems
    • B.S./M.S. in Computer Science or a related field, or equivalent experience
    • Experience with at least one scripting language like Python and one
    object-oriented language like Java
    • Experience with network programming and relational databases
    • Experience with Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Presto
    • Familiar with data engineering and analytics in Cloud environment
    • Experience with Airflow will be a plus
    • Experience with Tencent QCloud will be a plus
    • Able to communicate complex concepts clearly and accurately
    • Willingness to learn new technologies, tools, and approaches to problem
    • Sharp troubleshooting s
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