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上海人工智能公司招聘 Java 工程师

  •   massawang · 2018-05-29 12:03:46 +08:00 · 1202 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2323 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    某 B 轮机器人算法解决方案公司 位于上海张江,拥有长达 6 年的机器人自主定位导航算法、激光传感器及机器人硬件系统的研发经验。

    公司致力于提供消费级产品领域的高性能机器人定位导航解决方案及相关核心传感器。主要产品包括低成本激光测距扫描传感器(RPLIDAR)、基于激光的即时定位与地图构建导航系统(SLAM)与适于商业环境的宙斯(Zeus)机器人通用平台。目前公司的云平台部门招聘一名资深后台 java 开发工程师。要求如下:

    JAVA 工程师的岗位要求: Responsibilities: • Develop cloud REST API and IoT services • Collaborate with other members in the scrum team to deliver strong usability and high quality products • Involve in designing and developing backend service for hardware devices Requirements: • BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related major • 1-5 Years of hands-on experience and knowledge • Basic understanding of Agile development methodologies • Experience with Java, • proficient with Spring framework, MVC, Spring security is plus

    • Familiar with using maven, pom • Familiar with Linux, shell script • Familiar with using SQL, designing database schema • Familiar with using relation database like postgres, etc. Familiar with mongodb, leveldb is a plus • Familiar with Spring JPA, or Hibernate • Experience with cloud service such as aliyun, aws, etc. is plus • Experience in Rest service development is a plus • Experience using GIT is a plus • Experience with programming language such as Lua, Erlang, python ,etc is a plus • Experience with IoT concepts, MQTT protocol is a plus

    公司福利:五险二金(缴纳补充公积金),入职就有 8 天年假。另外注意上班不打卡,弹性工作。想不想睡到十点上班,那联系 qq:954595818 微信:massawang 邮箱 : peiyuan.wang@talent-sea.cn

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