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[招聘][北京][亚马逊] FBA 团队诚招大量工程师/技术经理

  •   osfpu · 2019-03-26 10:23:13 +08:00 · 913 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2185 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    关于 FBA 团队:

    Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where “ You sell it, we ship it ”, needs experienced and excited developers to solve complex challenges. Do you want to learn about every business and technical problem in our company? Do you want to transform the way sellers think about shipping their inventory to customers? Do you want to join a game-changing, strategic part of Amazon that is growing by leaps and bounds?

    Our development team creates the interfaces and automation that allow thousands of sellers world-wide to run their businesses with Amazon ’ s world-class fulfillment systems. With this innovative service, sellers send inventory directly to Amazon where it is stored and managed in our secure facilities. When orders are received, Amazon will professionally pick, pack and ship the product directly to their customers. As a result, FBA sellers can offer their customers fantastic benefits such as Prime, Super Saver Shipping and 24/7 Amazon customer service. We need your help to grow the business by building highly-available, scalable distributed systems that provide clean interfaces between sellers, customers and Amazon's supply chain software.

    The Fulfillment by Amazon team is looking for a talented software development engineer to help implement important software that virtualizes Amazon.com's world class fulfillment and customer service capabilities. We are building highly available web services, reporting systems and merchant facing workflows. As a software development engineer you will work with multiple teams and talented engineers working on systems that are global in scope. As mentioned by Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon.com, in his annual letter to shareholders in 2006 and again in 2008, FBA is one of the strategic long term opportunities for the company to improve the lives of sellers and buyers while leveraging our billion dollar logistics infrastructure to generate increasing free cash flow.


    1. 周末双休,不打卡,不加班,弹性工作,睡到自然醒,晚上还能回家陪老婆孩子,只要你能把份内的事情做好
    2. 大量海外出差机会,包括美国,加拿大,印度,北欧等,可以利用工作的机会去见识广阔世界
    3. 国外工作机会,如果你想肉身翻墙挣美刀,工作一年买大房子,亚马逊是个不错的 Brige
    4. 年假多,前两年 12 天(自然年),后面 15 天,5 年以上 20 天
    5. 全球业务,你的代码会影响全世界的 Amazon 用户,不断的技术挑战会快速促使你成长!
    6. 大牛多,和最优秀的人一起共事,亚马逊的技术实力应该不用多介绍了,很多业界的牛人都是你的同事
    7. 福利好,年度体检,Team 团建,无限零食这些都有,而且亚马逊团建都是在工作日哦
    8. 完善的培训机制,包括技术,英文,沟通,领导力各个方面的培训都有,入职会有 mentor 带,3 个月的适应期,让你完美适应工作节奏
    9. 对了,亚马逊的工资很有竞争力哦,特别是算时薪的时候 :)


    · Bachelor ’ s Degree in Computer Science or related field

    · Equivalent experience to a Bachelor's degree based on 3 years of work experience for every 1 year of education

    · 4+ years professional experience in software development

    · Computer Science fundamentals in object-oriented design

    · Computer Science fundamentals in data structures

    · Computer Science fundamentals in algorithm design, problem solving, and complexity analysis

    · Proficiency in, at least, one modern programming language such as C, C++, C#, Java, or Perl


    • Experience taking a leading role in building complex software systems that have been successfully delivered to customers

    • Knowledge of professional software engineering practices & best practices for the full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations

    • Experience with distributed computing and enterprise-wide systems

    • Experience in communicating with users, other technical teams, and senior management to collect requirements, describe software product features, technical designs, and product strategy

    • Experience mentoring junior software engineers to improve their skills, and make them more effective, product software engineers

    • Experience influencing software engineers best practices within your team

    • Hands-on expertise in many disparate technologies, typically ranging from front-end user interfaces through to back-end systems and all points in between

    Amazon is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer – Minority / Female / Disability / Vet Amazon is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer – Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation

    我们不限定具体的技术栈,只要你在你的技术领域有足够的实力,很多条件都可以放宽,大家快来投简历吧!简历请发邮箱 [email protected] ,如果有朋友想来也可以推荐哦,成功入职有大红包!

    第 1 条附言  ·  2019-10-30 12:12:06 +08:00
    5 条回复    2019-08-30 13:27:07 +08:00
       2019-03-26 17:36:19 +08:00
    如果对岗位有什么疑问,可以加我微信 s857214951 咨询了解,欢迎大家投递简历或者推荐朋友!
       2019-03-27 08:33:23 +08:00
       2019-03-27 20:50:23 +08:00 via iPhone
    @Ggiraffe0313 有的,欢迎投递简历
       2019-04-04 09:10:12 +08:00 via iPhone
       2019-08-30 13:27:07 +08:00 via iPhone
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