这是一个创建于 2110 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Principle Accountabilities:
1.Understand company, customer & international (automotive) specifications.
2.Develop testing procedures and work instructions based on testing standard and specifications.
3.Analyze of the given product specification and deviation of the necessary testing activities.
4.Conduct DV, PV, MPV/IP test and report (in English) according to product test plan.
5.Feedback the test problems with TIR to the engineering team in time.
6.Cooperate with product engineer to analyze the failures during the test.
7.Prepare and the necessary equipment / benches / fixtures of DV, PV tests for the new projects.
8.Make work instructions (WI) for the new test equipment.
9.Calibrate of gauge / meter / equipment in co-operation with QA.
10.Product test CI in co-operation with lab supervisor.
11.Interface for communication with test centers in other regions, share information.
1.Bachelor and above in Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Engineering etc.
2.Above 4 year experiences in engineering testing, at least 2 years in auto industry.
3.General knowledge of engineering testing and measurement and test data capture / sampling and processing, eg. Lab view, Diadem. 4.Fluent English language both in oral and written.
5.Good communication and interpersonal skills, team worker player.
6.Knowledge of electronics is a plus.
7.Programming knowledge in testing aspect like VC, Lab view, Diadem or its equivalent is a plus.
4 条回复 • 2019-06-13 16:28:19 +08:00
lampwu 2019-06-03 13:34:48 +08:00 via Android
请正确拼写 LabVIEW,above 4 year 基本没见人这样用过。