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[社招直推] eBay,四月第三周,急招大数据开发,上海 eBay 美企,电商 ,不加班, WLB. [Hadoop] 可本周出结果、无需对比、面的好直接通过

  •   matthewye0724 · 2020-04-13 10:18:16 +08:00 · 1223 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1629 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    eBay (纳斯达克上市公司,代码 EBAY )是全球商务的领军者,旗下拥有 eBay 在线交易市场、StubHub 和 eBay Classifieds (分类广告)平台。eBay 连接全球数以亿计的买家与卖家,通过互联商务为他们创造更多的机会。eBay 于 1995 年创立于加州硅谷,是全球最大、最具活力的交易平台之一,为用户提供高性价比的精选物品。2014 年,eBay 全年的商业交易量达到 830 亿美元

    目前岗位: https://www.ajinga.com/company-detail-new/5790/

    (内部真实 HC 不完全跟上面这个链接一致,如果你足够优秀,即使工作年限不够,也可一试哦!) 我会经常有空来更新一下当前紧急要招的职位,方便大家选择。



    拒绝 996,上下班不打卡 各种花式福利 —— 健身房补贴,牙科补贴,餐补,地铁站 穿梭巴士 技术实力雄厚 —— 扎实的技术积累,积极回馈开源社区 https://ebay.github.io/ 待遇好,时薪高,不加班(偶尔加) —— 有钱还有时间花! 入职即“送”最新版 MBP,双显示屏

    欢迎发送 简历 到 [email protected]


    MTS 1/2, Software Engineer(Hadoop)


    Support and enhance open source distributed computing platform technology.
    Contribute to the open source community on Hadoop related projects.
    Lead and participate to the design and implementation of analytics infrastructure to align with the vision of eBay Platform Infrastructure.
    Provide technical consultancy to engineers on Hadoop Map Reduce and Spark development.
    Focus on innovative ideas to drive the future of open source technology for patent filing and open source community contribution.
    Design and implement technical solutions to support the ecosystem of Analytics Infrastructure.
    Work with a team of engineering expertise to design and develop innovative technical solutions.


    Proven successful track record of 8+ years of software engineering design and development experience with strong background of open source technology.
    Strong development skills in Java and Scala with strong sense of performance, scalability, concurrency and extensibility.
    Have passion and strong engineering background on dealing with big data in the eCommerce industry.
    Excellent background on computer science fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms.
    Excellent problem solving and analytical skill on both defect and performance issue resolution.
    Proven result oriented individual with delivery focus in a high velocity, high quality environment.
    Experience in big data processing is a plus.
    Strong communication skills in oral and written English.
    Working experience in multi-national company is a plus.
    Strong inter-personal networking skills with the ability to relate to executives and other team members through all organizational levels.
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