web worker 从主进程获取到上传文件的路径,在 onmessage 处理上传,通过 fs.promises.stat 获取文件的信息,通过 postMessage 回传至 worker 主进程中,在 worker 主进程中,将这些数据更新至 vuex 中,出现了下面的问题,小数量级的文件,不会出现这个问题
(node:33176) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Array.mutator (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vue\dist\vue.runtime.common.dev.js:870:27)
at Store.addMultiTaskUL (webpack:///./src/renderer/store/modules/task.js?:164:72)
at wrappedMutationHandler (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:727:13)
at commitIterator (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:393:7)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:392:11
at Store._withCommit (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:523:3)
at Store.commit (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:391:8)
at Store.boundCommit [as commit] (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:336:19)
at local.commit (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:681:13)
at eval (webpack:///./src/renderer/store/modules/task.js?:476:7)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at new F (webpack:///./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_export.js?:36:28)
at Store.addMultiTaskUL (webpack:///./src/renderer/store/modules/task.js?:440:12)
at Array.wrappedActionHandler (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:734:23)
at Store.dispatch (D:\pc-win\SKYD-win\node_modules\vuex\dist\vuex.common.js:439:15)
(node:33176) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 10)
TomeWong OP ```
self.onmessage = async event => { console.log(event) const { diskType, files, dirpath, sid, usn, currentFileId, currentGroupId, currentCreatedByUsn, baseUrl, uploadLimit, uploadSpeed } = event.data const queueData = [], taskDataArr = [] let completeStatus for (let elem of files) { const filePath = elem, // stats = await fs.promises.stat(filePath).catch(error => console.log(error)), // size = stats.size, chunkSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024, //每片分块的大小 5M // pieces = Math.ceil(size / chunkSize), uploadType = pieces == 1 ? 1 : 3, num = filePath.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1, name = filePath.substring(num), uuid = uuidv4(), basename = dirpath ? path.basename(dirpath) : '', realPath = dirpath ? filePath.substring(filePath.indexOf(basename), filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")).replace(/\\/g, "/") : '' const payload = { appFileId: "", diskType: diskType, uploadType: uploadType, creatorUsn: currentCreatedByUsn || usn, parentid: currentFileId == -2 ? -1 : currentFileId || -1, groupId: diskType == 1 ? '' : currentGroupId, fileSize: 0, fileName: name, fileMd5: '', fileRealPath: realPath, comeFrom: 30, model: 0, discussContent: "" } const queueItemData = { sid, uuid, payload, name, size, currentFileId, uploadType, pieces, chunkSize, filePath, currentCreatedByUsn, baseUrl, uploadLimit, uploadSpeed } // taskDataArr.push({ filePath, name, uuid, size, pieces, uploadType, diskType, parentid: currentFileId == -2 ? -1 : currentFileId || -1, fileRealPath: realPath }) taskDataArr.push({ filePath, name, uuid, size, pieces, uploadType, diskType, parentid: currentFileId == -2 ? -1 : currentFileId || -1, fileRealPath: realPath }) queueData.push(queueItemData) } completeStatus = { status: 'updateStore' } self.postMessage({taskDataArr, completeStatus}) } ``` |
TomeWong OP 是否转换字符串来传输,而不是数组对象
wednesdayco 2020-04-29 13:59:28 +08:00
TomeWong OP @wednesdayco 现在都是小文件,可以正常上传,但将 web worker 中处理的信息回传至 worker 主进程,更新至 vuex 有问题,vuex 是不是存在存储大小限制的问题
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Vegetable 2020-04-29 14:30:01 +08:00
你是一个一个上传, 一个文件成功之后, 回调里传下一个吗? |
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Vegetable 2020-04-29 14:32:31 +08:00
let deep = 1
function c() { deep++ c() } try { c() } catch (error) { console.log(error) //RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded console.log(deep) //15712 } |
TomeWong OP @Vegetable 是一个一个上传的,并发量为 3,上传是正常的,在上传前会先根据每条文件的路径获取一些信息,然后再将这些信息通过 postMessage 回传至 worker 主进程,在 worker 主进程将这些处理的信息更新至 vuex 中,这个更新过程出现了问题
VDimos 2020-04-29 14:40:39 +08:00 via Android
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MrYELiex 2020-04-29 14:41:00 +08:00
错误信息很明显 调用栈过多