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上海张江 nVidia 招聘测试开发职位, 965

  •   pdckxd · 2021-01-27 11:17:34 +08:00 · 1510 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1499 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    有意向的同学请将简历发送至邮箱 cGRja3hkQDE2My5jb20=


    NVIDIA is the world leader in GPU Computing. We are passionate about four markets: Gaming, Automotive, Enterprise Graphics and HPC/Cloud Datacenters; in addition to our traditional OEM business. We are well positioned as the ‘AI Computing Company’, and our GPUs are the brains powering modern Deep Learning software frameworks, accelerated analytics, big data, modern data centers, smart cities, and driving autonomous vehicles. We have some of the most brilliant and talented people in the world working for us. If you are talented, bright, driven and if working with smart technical people across countries sounds interesting, this job is for you.

    We are looking for someone to be passionate about quality assurance. You’ll collaborate with multi-functional groups. SWQA test developer engineer at NVIDIA aren't only test execution, you will write scripts to automate testing, design and develop tools for QA team, or develop integration tests for validation, so QA engineer can improve productivity or optimize test plan. As a SWQA test developer, you must identify weak spots and constantly design better and creative test plan to break software and identify potential issues. You will have a huge impact on the quality of NVIDIA's products.

    You will be in one of the following product families: Enterprise GPU, CUDA and CUDA X.

    1. What you will be doing:

      1. Be responsible for executing test cases to validate NVIDIA enterprise products, such as NVIDIA Tegra Drive Platform.
      2. Be responsible to automate CUDA test cases and maintain the automation scripts. Collaborate with Developer, PM, marketing, and engineering teams on designing test plan and implementing validation.
      3. You will assist in the architecture, crafting and implementing of SWQA test frameworks.
    2. What we need to see:

      1. BS or higher degree in CS/EE/CE or equivalent practical experience Seasoned software QA or software testing background; test infrastructure and strong analysis skills
      2. Be proficient in scripting language (Python, Perl an Bash)
      3. UNIX/Linux experience is required
      4. Ability to work independently and leadership skills
      5. Experienced in using quality mindset to drive improvements.
      6. Fluent oral and written English
    3. Ways to stand out from the crowd:

      1. Experiences in C/C++ programming
      2. Experiences on QNX and embedded OS is a plus
      3. Familiar with CUDA/OpenCL
      4. Experience working with NVIDIA GPU
      5. Excellent communicator, both written and verbal
    1 条回复    2021-01-28 14:39:05 +08:00
       2021-01-28 14:39:05 +08:00
    有一位小伙伴的简历已经提交给 hr
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