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看到晒桌面壁纸的,分享个 wallhaven.cc 壁纸下载程序

  •   DT27 · 2022-03-21 16:57:23 +08:00 · 1296 次点击
    这是一个创建于 934 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。




    Usage: ./wallhaven.sh [OPTIONS]
    Download wallpapers from wallhaven.cc
    If no options are specified, default values from within the script will be used
     -l, --location		图片存放地址 location where the wallpapers will be stored
     -n, --number		下载数量 Number of Wallpapers to download
     -s, --startpage	开始页数,终端时继续下载使用 page to start downloading from
     -t, --type		Type of download Operation: standard, search,
                collections, useruploads
     -c, --categories	下载类型,三个数字分别代表通用、动画、人物,1 包含,0 排除,都要就 111 ,只要人物就 001 。categories to download from, eg. 111 for General,
                Anime and People, 1 to include, 0 to exclude
     -f, --filter		过滤露骨程度,三个数字分别代表 SFW 、sketchy 、NSFW ,SFW 表示 Safe For Work ,NSFW 表示 Not Safe For Work ,sketchy 居中。filter out content based on purity rating, eg. 111
                for SFW, sketchy and NSFW content, 1 to include,
                0 to exclude
     -r, --resolution	目标分辨率,多个分辨率使用英文逗号分隔。resolutions to download, separate mutliple
                resolutions by ,
     -g, --atleast		最小分辨率。不能与-r 同时使用。minimum resolution, show all images with a
                resolution greater than the specified value
                do not use in combination with -r (--resolution)
     -a, --aspectratio	分辨率对比度,例如 16x9 或 16x10 。要下手机壁纸可以用 9x16 。only download wallpaper with given aspectratios,
                separate multiple aspectratios by ,
     -m, --mode		排序方式。sorting mode for wallpapers: relevance, random,
                date_added, views, favorites
     -o, --order		顺序 asc 还是逆序 desc 。order ascending (asc) or descending (desc)
     -b, --collection	name of the collections to download
     -q, --query		search query, eg. 'mario', single quotes needed,
                for searching exact phrases use double quotes
                inside single quotes, eg. '"super mario"'
     -d, --dye, --color	search for wallpapers containing the given color,
                color values are RGB without a leading #
     -u, --user		download wallpapers from given user
     -p, --parallel		使用 gnu parallel 来多线程下载。make use of gnu parallel (1 to enable, 0 to disable)
     -v, --version		show current version
     -h, --help		显示帮助信息。show this help text and exit
    ./wallhaven.sh	-l ~/wp/ -n 48 -s 1 -t standard -c 101 -f 111 -r 1920x1080
            -a 16x9 -m random -o desc -p 1
    Download 48 random wallpapers with a resolution of 1920x1080 and
    an aspectratio of 16x9 to ~/wp/ starting with page 1 from the
    categories general and people including SFW, sketchy and NSWF Content
    while utilizing gnu parallel
    ./wallhaven.sh	-l ~/wp/ -n 48 -s 1 -t search -c 111 -f 100 -r 1920x1080 -a 16x9
            -m relevance -o desc -q '"super mario"' -d cc0000 -p 1
    Download 48 wallpapers related to the search query "super mario" containing
    the color #cc0000 with a resolution of 1920x1080 and an aspectratio of 16x9
    to ~/wp/ starting with page 1 from the categories general, anime and people,
    including SFW Content and excluding sketchy and NSWF Content while utilizing
    gnu paralle

    我的用法(下载非露骨人物图片,数量 1000 ,分辨率 3440x1440 以上,16:9 比例或者 16:10 用来排除竖屏壁纸,浏览量逆序排序,流量量排序完就几乎全是美女了):

    ./wallhaven.sh -l ./Wallhaven -n 1000 -c 001 -f 100 -g 3440x1440 -a 16x9 -m views -o desc -p 1

    为方便大家,677 张已下载好的:


    第 1 条附言  ·  2022-03-21 19:32:16 +08:00
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