V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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An interesting open source little game.

  •   codertan · 2022-08-19 11:00:04 +08:00 · 1132 次点击
    这是一个创建于 750 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Your goal is to crack all the green hexagon tiles before landing somewhere safely. As you level up, more different kinds of tiles will be available, which can help or obstruct you.
    Change some code and build the project by yourself, you can even design your own maps to play, or create some tiles with new abilities.
    Project address: http://hexahop.sourceforge.net
    Have a good time to play, and code!
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    World is powered by solitude
    VERSION: · 27ms · UTC 23:57 · PVG 07:57 · LAX 16:57 · JFK 19:57
    Developed with CodeLauncher
    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.