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What are the pros and cons of inertial navigation?

  •   poppyyuny · 2023-02-14 16:30:14 +08:00 · 409 次点击
    这是一个创建于 602 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    What are the pros and cons of inertial navigation?

    1. Advantages of inertial navigation system:

    (1) It has strong independence. Since it is an autonomous system that does not depend on any external information and does not radiate energy to the outside, it has good concealment and is not affected by external electromagnetic interference;

    (2) It is not limited by time and scope, and can work all-weather, globally, and all-time on the surface of the earth in the air and even underwater;

    (3) It can provide position, speed, heading and attitude angle data, and the generated navigation information has good continuity and low noise;

    (4) High data update rate, good short-term accuracy and stability.

    1. Disadvantages of inertial navigation system:

    (1) Due to the integration of navigation information, the positioning error increases with time, and the long-term accuracy is poor;

    (2) It takes a long time for initial alignment before each use, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive;

    (3) The price of the equipment is relatively expensive, and the inertial navigation system with high precision costs millions; https://www.cdebyte.com/Modem-IndustrialRouterGateway (3) Only location information can be provided, but time information cannot be given.

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