这是一个创建于 4089 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
我有一半的机器都是 Debian wheezy,装的是 7.0,在看要不要升 testing 装 7.2。
看 Release notes 里有这么两段:
Summary of new features in 7.2.28
Updated Translations.
OpenCL support for Intel and AMD CPUs.
Add new AMD GPU descriptions.
Add new Windows version descriptions. (Windows Only)
Various changes to CPU and GPU scheduling and work-fetch.
Support for HTTPS URLs in notices.
Fix for running VirtualBox VMs when installed as a service. (Windows Support, it was already support for Mac OS X and Linux).
Note that BOINC 7.2 is incompatible with Domain Controllers on Windows (see below).
OpenCL support for CPU
BOINC 7.2 has OpenCL support for CPUs, but this does require that you install OpenCL drivers for your CPU.