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V2EX  ›  liuhaotian  ›  全部回复第 23 页 / 共 41 页
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2015-05-02 14:57:51 +08:00
回复了 miyuki 创建的主题 分享发现 “评测门”事件升级 AV-Test 揭露腾讯在评测中严重作弊

这两个哪一个先发布?在前一个文件中已经提到说“知道 QQ、百度有这样的标记,但是这样没有任何有利之处甚至某些时候反而不利”。

抱歉,之前直接从 pdf 复制没做处理。
As part of the investigation into Qihoo 360, counter‐accusations were levelled by the company against two fellow Chinese security firms, Baidu and Tencent. Analysis of products submitted for testing by these companies turned up some unexpected flags within their products, marked with the names of several test labs and implying some difference in product behavior depending on the environment they were run in – similar flags were also found in Qihoo products. However, no evidence could be found that this gave any significant advantage to either product, and in some cases it even seemed to put them at a disadvantage. Both firms were able to provide good reasons for including these flags in their products.
2015-05-02 14:56:55 +08:00
回复了 miyuki 创建的主题 分享发现 “评测门”事件升级 AV-Test 揭露腾讯在评测中严重作弊

这两个哪一个先发布?在前一个文件中已经提到说“知道 QQ、百度有这样的标记,但是这样没有任何有利之处甚至某些时候反而不利”。

As part of the investigation into Qihoo 360, counter‐accusations were levelled by the company against
two fellow Chinese security firms, Baidu and Tencent. Analysis of products submitted for testing by
these companies turned up some unexpected flags within their products, marked with the names of
several test labs and implying some difference in product behavior depending on the environment they
were run in – similar flags were also found in Qihoo products. However, no evidence could be found that
this gave any significant advantage to either product, and in some cases it even seemed to put them at a
disadvantage. Both firms were able to provide good reasons for including these flags in their products.
2015-05-02 14:21:44 +08:00
回复了 miyuki 创建的主题 分享发现 “评测门”事件升级 AV-Test 揭露腾讯在评测中严重作弊
2015-05-02 08:24:16 +08:00
回复了 hggg 创建的主题 奇思妙想 L 大可以出 V2EX 的文化衫吗∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
印上 ID,大家撕逼。
2015-05-02 07:28:49 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 反馈 cdn.v2ex.co 不稳定
2015-05-01 22:12:58 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 反馈 cdn.v2ex.co 不稳定
我刚刚试着在首页进行了Command Shift R的操作,每2s 一次,每次都在之前的加载完后进行,三次之后出现了连接超时的情况。
@kokdemo 可是我看你的code里面还是旧版的啊
2015-05-01 22:02:56 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 反馈 cdn.v2ex.co 不稳定
@kokdemo 话说crx到底在哪儿。。
另外首页的已读标记可以写到 cookie 里面,这样的话就不会刷新页面就不见了~
@aalska 因为 js 跨域,可以下载我在15楼提供的这个版本,就可以了,我也遇到了这个问题。
okay 知道了问题
1. 你应该使用 // 来进行连接的引用而不是 http:// ,这样会导致 mixed content 然后 js 禁止跨域列表直接废掉。因为 https 无法使用可以 / 你懒的一个个找可以直接下 https://cloud.vexio.net/download/522
2. 左右栏下拉上拉在一个到底另一个没到底的时候会不顾鼠标位置把另一个进行上拉下滑的操作。

另外提供一个 crx 的下载地址,如果懒得打包可以直接下: https://cloud.vexio.net/download/522

2015-05-01 07:17:07 +08:00
回复了 beenkidnapped 创建的主题 职场话题 婚假变旷工事件,不得不说的两句
@NeoAtlantis 吼啊
2015-04-30 16:21:40 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 MERCURY 无法 traceroute 与 mtr
@ChangeTheWorld 官网这个型号的只有两个固件,都试了,都不行0 0
2015-04-30 16:06:22 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 MERCURY 无法 traceroute 与 mtr
@rainy3636 是的。。mtr直接就卡在路由器了。
2015-04-30 15:20:06 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 路由器有线桥接从路由器联网
@gamexg 已经设置成功了。
2015-04-30 14:27:15 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 路由器有线桥接从路由器联网
@gamexg 更换lan口有效。
2015-04-30 13:50:20 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 路由器有线桥接从路由器联网
@gamexg 从路由的wan连lan会提示WAN口未连接
2015-04-30 11:14:57 +08:00
回复了 liuhaotian 创建的主题 问与答 路由器有线桥接从路由器联网
@jasontse 从路由是当时买的MERCURY 主要是之前听到一个theory:如果时间不对会不稳定,所以想让交换机上网…
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