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V2EX  ›  xiaohundun  ›  全部回复第 6 页 / 共 16 页
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247 天前
回复了 sunzy 创建的主题 MySQL 活动表,日期存储及查询怎么设计
@sunzy 2-12 可以用,12-2 用不了但可以确定区间吧?处理一下变成 IN 查询不就行了,伪 sql:
month in (12,1,2) and day = 1
247 天前
回复了 sunzy 创建的主题 MySQL 活动表,日期存储及查询怎么设计
时间拆为年月日之后,用 between and 确定各个部份的范围不就好了么,如果不是范围那就用字面量条件,不挺简单,难道我没理解你的意思?
247 天前
回复了 sunzy 创建的主题 MySQL 活动表,日期存储及查询怎么设计
把 yyyy-mm-dd 拆开都存下来呢
260 天前
回复了 lee289 创建的主题 macOS macOS Sonoma 现在体验如何 M1 MBP 推荐升级吗
每天来上班来第一件事就是重启 chrome ,因为崩溃了
262 天前
回复了 unco020511 创建的主题 程序员 半年度被打了 325 绩效,怎么办
271 天前
回复了 MrdotX 创建的主题 问与答 特斯拉 ModelY 还是 问界 M5?
289 天前
回复了 289396212 创建的主题 程序员 ViewModel 和 DTO 是同样的东西吗?
举个具体的例子的话我的理解是这样的:举例用户信息这个,如果是 viewmodel 是用来给前端渲染用的,所以它里面的关键信息比如手机号、身份证号可能不是脱敏的,用与管理系统中,如果是 DTO 的话,可能它里面就直接没有手机号、身份证,或者做了脱敏,用来跟第三方交换数据
289 天前
回复了 mnsw 创建的主题 Apple iOS17 公布 pb 版本了
@xiaohundun 严重的没发现,小的有,但是因为没啥影响我都不记得了,另外吐槽下 B 站,我发现好多次异常发热全都是因为它。。
289 天前
回复了 mnsw 创建的主题 Apple iOS17 公布 pb 版本了
302 天前
回复了 twor 创建的主题 问与答 为什么宠物医院那么贵?
这个模型真是飞快啊,跑在 4090 上
307 天前
回复了 yanghong233 创建的主题 奇思妙想 尝试用 chatgpt 帮助背单词
使用 单词 [Run 、Bank] 写一个小文章(英文),要求使用使用到每个单词及其所有的词性和词义,顺便加粗标注一下我提到的单词,在我提到的单词后面用[单词的词义词性]标注

Sure! Here's a short article incorporating the words "Run" and "Bank" along with their different parts of speech and meanings. I have bolded the mentioned words and added [word's meaning - part of speech] after each occurrence.

I enjoy starting my day with a refreshing **run** [to move swiftly - verb]. As I lace up my running shoes, I feel a surge of energy. Running as a form of exercise helps me stay fit and healthy. During my morning **run** [jogging - noun], I explore different routes and appreciate the beauty of nature. I often choose to run along the river **bank** [edge of a river - noun], enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and the sound of flowing water.

After completing my **run** [running - noun], I head to the **bank** [financial institution - noun] to take care of some financial transactions. Inside the **bank**, I join the queue and patiently wait for my turn. The friendly **bank** [bank employee - noun] greets me with a smile and assists me in managing my finances. Today, I need to **bank** [deposit - verb] a check into my savings account.

As I stand at the **bank** [bank counter - noun], I notice the security measures in place, ensuring the safety of customers' funds. The **bank** [banking system - noun] offers a wide range of services, such as savings accounts, loans, and investments. The **bank** [to rely on - verb] has always been a trusted partner in managing my financial goals.

With my transactions completed, I exit the **bank** [building - noun] and feel a sense of accomplishment. My productive morning **run** [exercise - noun] and the efficient visit to the **bank** [financial institution - noun] have set a positive tone for the rest of my day. These activities contribute to my overall well-being, both physically and financially.

In summary, my daily **run** [exercise - noun] and visits to the **bank** [financial institution - noun] are essential parts of my routine. They help me maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage my finances effectively.

I hope this article meets your requirements!
324 天前
回复了 OliviaV 创建的主题 生活 广州电信炸了吗 下午开始没信号了
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