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V2EX  ›  youling  ›  全部回复第 37 页 / 共 42 页
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2014-08-08 09:11:52 +08:00
回复了 halczy 创建的主题 奇思妙想 大家来一起收集中国电信全天都不挤的国际出口
2014-08-07 09:32:25 +08:00
回复了 AirSc 创建的主题 问与答 最近想入一部电信手机,V 友们有何推荐?
2014-08-07 00:30:07 +08:00
回复了 djyde 创建的主题 DotA 有 LOL 基础,如何入门 dota?
09 pis 情书 牛蛙 乖神之类的
要技术流看 pis
2014-08-07 00:27:13 +08:00
回复了 Lanzi 创建的主题 服务器 (SOS) appletuan 被 DDoS,系统无法防御。
2014-08-05 16:41:50 +08:00
回复了 Air_Mu 创建的主题 音乐 如果有一个 FUCK GFW 为主题的短片,什么歌曲适合出现?
2014-08-05 10:45:57 +08:00
回复了 Josephpeng 创建的主题 问与答 为什么国内宽带比美国贵,但移动通讯比美国便宜?
@beingbin 算购买力差远了好么
2014-08-04 11:19:44 +08:00
回复了 chengxiao 创建的主题 分享发现 Google Domains 的价格还算可以
2014-08-04 02:43:34 +08:00
回复了 jdlindu 创建的主题 Linode Linode 新用户注册送 50 刀-差不多可以用半年了
@O21 用了2个多小时~
2014-08-04 01:00:46 +08:00
回复了 jdlindu 创建的主题 Linode Linode 新用户注册送 50 刀-差不多可以用半年了
2014-08-04 00:38:08 +08:00
回复了 jdlindu 创建的主题 Linode Linode 新用户注册送 50 刀-差不多可以用半年了
@mhtt 提交身份证正反面和信用卡正反面?
2014-08-04 00:32:37 +08:00
回复了 jdlindu 创建的主题 Linode Linode 新用户注册送 50 刀-差不多可以用半年了
@mhtt 我现在也是reviewed状态,你的审核通过了么
2014-08-04 00:21:26 +08:00
回复了 jdlindu 创建的主题 Linode Linode 新用户注册送 50 刀-差不多可以用半年了
@zjgood 人家这时白天^现在不发难道等对面黑夜了才发么
2014-08-02 17:40:29 +08:00
回复了 nongyi2012 创建的主题 问与答 安卓,如何固定时间转接电话?
IFTTT可以设置 接到电话就自动发短信给另一个电话。
2014-08-02 17:38:52 +08:00
回复了 missdeer 创建的主题 分享发现 薰衣草小熊长虫
会有虫爬出来的礼物- -
2014-08-02 17:27:52 +08:00
回复了 belin520 创建的主题 分享发现 收到一封来自 John Kentebe 的邮件

Thank you very much for your prompt response to my email .I would prefer if we talk this matter over on the phone, however i request that you go through the details below for a better understanding of this possible joint venture. as long as you have any ID card with Hoffman, I will front you as the relative of my late client

My mail to you was written as a matter of last resort because of the circumstances surrounding this claim. was an oil merchant and he had oil dealings around Europe and Africa. He died at 54, along side his wife, Maria, 46, and their only daughter,Katharina,11.

I am not too sure you are actually related to this person because we have since carried out a search on his actual extended family ties and each efforts have been to no avail and hence my contacting you. I had contacted you to solicit your honest assistance in re profiling funds belonging to my late client. I want you to consider the details so you could understand the fuller reasons I need your co-operation.

he lived most of his years here in the TOGO but traveled often. I served as his private attorney for the last eight years preceding his death, and I had known the family a little while before then. Mr Hoffman migrated into TOGO a long time ago as an orphan.I never knew his father but I knew him to be the Late Mr Antonio who died.

I contacted you because after the death of my late client, I was informed by the Bank to search for any member of his extended family (related especially consanguinity), to put up a claim, or who could be so represented as managers or trustees for his deposited funds with them which stands at over 30 million pounds ,due to the fact that he died with his immediate family members.

After preliminary efforts of search which came to no avail, We were given an ultimatum at the beginning of the new year to look for some one to come for the claim or have the funds liquidated and made un serviceable in accordance with existing laws because it will be assumed that no member of his family is alive.However, it might interest you to know that, after a thorough investigation in the Bank,I found out that some members of the bank are currently planning to divert this fund in their selfish interest and only want to use the excuse that since I am not able to look for some one to make the claim,the money should be made un serviceable and that means reverting the fund to the Government while the company retains a percentage of it.

After unraveling their plans and professional consideration on my part, I decided to look for some one credible, with the same last name with my late client, to apply for this claim due to the fact that I have at my possession some legal documents which are very important and which might be requested by his bank which can only be provided by me I feel and know that you will be able to make this claim successfully because of your last name which is the same as that of my late client's and as a result of this I do not want the Bank to be aware that I contacted you first in order to prevent them from going into much investigations on whom you actually are and that can put the success of this transaction on the line.

I want you to be rest assured that this is legal with no risk involved, since all the legal documents that gives you the right to make the claim is available.This is a deal I am offering you and I want you to know that it requires only a mature mind to understand all I am saying and I believe you are mature enough which is the reason I am going further.

I am taking my time to explain all these to you now because I want you to see the reasons why my name should not be mentioned any time you are discussing with the members of the Bank and why this transaction has to be kept really confidential in order for us to be able to achieve our goals successfully .

NOTE that if they request to know how you came to know that your family member had such an amount of funds with them and who contacted you, which I am not sure they will ask, but in order to be on the safer side, if you are asked, be confident to tell them that the extended family discovered some documents in his archives showing that Mr Hoffman lodged such funds with them and that is why you have been sent by the paternal family to contact the bank. Anyway,further deliberations will be held on this as we proceed.

I want you to know that I have these documents to show to you as proof and I will release them to you as soon as I have attained your confidence, maybe after we speak on phone. I will also provide you with any information you need as we proceed. All i need from you is your honesty,trust and confidentiality in this matter so that we can achieve our goals ..

Please bear in mind that you have to be really sure if you are going ahead or not for I do not want to jeopardize the success of this transaction which means so much to me at the moment.. I will wait for your response and please do not forget about the discreet nature of this transaction. You can really help in this matter and as an Attorney i can make you the next of kin to my late client in as much as you bear the same surname with my client.I want from you is your TRUST ,HONESTY AND CONFIDENTIALITY .

You don,t have anything to worry about as i have every necessary documents backing up the claims of this funds on this name and once verified by the bank ,they will believe that you are actually related to him this will make it more easier for the bank to get his funds transferred into your account.You don,t have anything to worry about as this transaction is %100 risk free .i will be guiding you from time to time on what you are to tell the bank that is why i want your communication with the bank to be strictly emails the reason for this is that i don,t want the bank to ask you question that you cannot be able to answer okay. Please remember that this transaction should be kept strictly confidential because of it nature ,you know we are talking about a whole lot of money here . Please send me a reliable number to reach you so that i can explain to you for you to get a better understanding on how we can proceed with this project .

I await to hear from you soon.
Best regards,

John Kentebe
2014-08-01 22:12:33 +08:00
回复了 niuer 创建的主题 分享发现 喜获融资数千万美元 七牛云存储来 V2EX 送福利
2014-07-31 16:25:10 +08:00
回复了 declanVox 创建的主题 问与答 请问下,淘宝代办信用卡可靠吗?
@ilili 当然可以,代办很强大的,工资单、水电费……身份证都可以作假这个算什么
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