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Follow is looking for Growth Marketing Specialists and Operation Specialists

  •   YZ232 · 35 天前 · 1431 次点击
    这是一个创建于 35 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Follow - Next-Gen Information Browser

    Homepage: https://follow.is/

    GitHub: https://github.com/RSSNext/follow

    Twitter: https://x.com/follow_app_

    Natural Selection Labs

    We are a globally distributed organization: all of our members come from different countries, including US, Canada, UK, China, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia.

    Our team is equal, open, and free. We advocate flexible working hours, so both early birds and night owls are welcome!

    Since our establishment, we have made significant progress and are incredibly proud of our team culture and atmosphere.

    Operation Specialist

    Your Role:

    • Serve as the primary point of contact for users, resolving issues and relaying feedback to improve the product.
    • Manage and engage our online community via Twitter, Discord, and other social platforms.
    • Communicate regularly with users through updates, polls, and newsletters to maintain engagement.
    • Identify and implement user growth strategies, working closely with the team to optimize acquisition and retention.

    Who are you:

    • Follow’s user who believes its mission
    • Extensive experience with RSS readers
    • Proficient in multiple social media platforms (Twitter, Xiaohongshu, Reddit, Discord, etc.)
    • Has ample time and is eager to assist the follow community in solving various issues
    • Fluent in both Chinese and English

    Growth Marketing Specialist

    Your Role:

    • Develop and execute marketing strategies to drive user acquisition and engagement, with a focus on the English-speaking market, covering both web2 and web3.
    • Lead and manage campaigns across multiple channels, including influencer marketing, social media, SEO and others; produce high-quality, engaging content that resonates with our target audience.
    • Leverage your personal connections within the adjacent communities to create buzz and build relationships with influencers and partners.
    • Work with devs and other marketing members in a collaborative manner, and collectively make product decisions.

    Who are you:

    • Follow’s user who believes its mission
    • Sufficient experience with RSS readers or similar products
    • Worked in marketing or related fields for more than 2 years, w/ proven experience in growing similar early-stage products.
    • Strong knowledge of influencer marketing, social media, with established connections in relevant communities; great communicator, writer and content producer.
    • Fluent in both English and Chinese
    • Optional: based in US; an influencer yourself (small-tier is enough) in related field

    We offer:

    • A chance to directly participate in the Internet revolution and make the world a better place.
    • Opportunities to collaborate with the world’s top Open Web projects.
    • A team of loving and competent companions!
    • FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours.
    • An AWESOME & CARING company culture.
    • Competitive allowances and benefits.
    • We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered regardless of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, veteran or disability status.


    We look forward to receiving your CV:

    [email protected]

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