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Krypt 提供的 Turbo Boost 服务 是不是类似锐速的 TCP 加速原理?

  •   jaleo · 2015-01-29 21:05:23 +08:00 · 506 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3542 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Free 20Mbps Krypt Turbo,免费加速20Mbps?看起来和锐速类似?

    Krypt Turbo utilizes advanced TCP acceleration and network Quality of Service (QoS) traffic management and congestion avoidance technologies to improve network throughput, latency and bandwidth efficiency. There are inherent deficiencies in the standard TCP stack for example, increased delays are caused by numerous retransmissions when packets arrive in the wrong order. Krypt Turbo’s client side application is supported on Windows and Linux platforms which improves the performance of the standard TCP stack. For dedicated and cloud server customers that are hosting websites, there are numerous benefits to using Krypt Turbo that statically caching on CDN services alone can not improve.

    How Krypt Turbo Helps Improve Performance

    Queuing profiles are used to prioritize application flows
    Packet Loss Detector reduces TCP retransmissions by tracking loss probability
    Congestion Controller and better recovery algorithms help manage TCP window sizes
    Learning based algorithm applies session specific optimizations in real time
    Traffic scheduling and traffic shaping policies are also applied in real time

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