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SystemTap 使用技巧之三

  •   sherryxueli · 2017-09-04 11:50:16 +08:00 · 4267 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2589 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    7.14 修改进程中的变量

    root@j9 ~# cat stap_set_var.c -n     
         1  #include <stdio.h>
         3  typedef struct policy {
         4      int     id;
         5  } policy_t;
         7  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         8  {
         9      policy_t policy;
        10      policy_t *p = &policy;
        11      policy_t **pp;
        13      p->id = 111;
        15      printf("before stap set, p->id: %d\n", p->id);
        17      pp = &p;
        19      printf("after stap set, p->id: %d, (*pp)->id: %d\n", p->id, (*pp)->id);
        21      return 0;
        22  }
    root@j9 ~# gcc -Wall -g -o ./stap_set_var ./stap_set_var.c      
    root@j9 ~# cat stap_set_var.stp
    probe process("./stap_set_var").statement("main@./stap_set_var.c:17")
        $p->id = 222;
        printf("$p$: %s\n", $p$)
    root@j9 ~# stap -g stap_set_var.stp -c ./stap_set_var         
    before stap set, p->id: 111
    after stap set, p->id: 222, (*pp)->id: 222
    $p$: {.id=222}
    root@j9 ~#

    可以看出在第 17 行用 SystemTap 修改后的值在第 19 行就生效了。 需要注意的是 stap 要加-g 参数在 guru 模式下才能修改变量的值。

    7.15 跟踪进程执行流程

    thread_indent(n): 补充空格 ppfunc(): 当前探测点所在的函数 在 call 探测点调用 thread_indent(4)补充 4 个空格,在 return 探测点调用 thread_indent(-4)回退 4 个空格,效果如下:

    #cat trace_nginx.stp
    probe process("/home/admin/tengine/bin/nginx").function("*@src/http/ngx_http_*").call
        printf("%s -> %s\n", thread_indent(4), ppfunc());
    probe process("/home/admin/tengine/bin/nginx").function("*@src/http/ngx_http_*").return
        printf("%s <- %s\n", thread_indent(-4), ppfunc());
    #stap trace_nginx.stp
         0 nginx(11368):    -> ngx_http_init_connection
        21 nginx(11368):    <- ngx_http_init_connection
         0 nginx(11368):    -> ngx_http_wait_request_handler
        30 nginx(11368):        -> ngx_http_create_request
        41 nginx(11368):        <- ngx_http_create_request
        55 nginx(11368):        -> ngx_http_process_request_line
        72 nginx(11368):            -> ngx_http_read_request_header
        78 nginx(11368):            <- ngx_http_read_request_header
        91 nginx(11368):            -> ngx_http_parse_request_line
        99 nginx(11368):            <- ngx_http_parse_request_line
       109 nginx(11368):            -> ngx_http_process_request_uri
       115 nginx(11368):            <- ngx_http_process_request_uri
       127 nginx(11368):            -> ngx_http_process_request_headers
       138 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_read_request_header
       143 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_read_request_header
       155 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_parse_header_line
       163 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_parse_header_line
       178 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_process_user_agent
       185 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_process_user_agent
       192 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_parse_header_line
       198 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_parse_header_line
       208 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_process_host
       222 nginx(11368):                    -> ngx_http_validate_host
       229 nginx(11368):                    <- ngx_http_validate_host
       239 nginx(11368):                    -> ngx_http_set_virtual_server
       252 nginx(11368):                        -> ngx_http_find_virtual_server
       259 nginx(11368):                        <- ngx_http_find_virtual_server
       263 nginx(11368):                    <- ngx_http_set_virtual_server
       266 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_process_host
       274 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_parse_header_line
       279 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_parse_header_line
       287 nginx(11368):                -> ngx_http_parse_header_line
       292 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_parse_header_line
      2072 nginx(11368):                                <- ngx_http_finalize_request
      2076 nginx(11368):                            <- ngx_http_core_content_phase
      2079 nginx(11368):                        <- ngx_http_core_run_phases
      2083 nginx(11368):                    <- ngx_http_handler
      2093 nginx(11368):                    -> ngx_http_run_posted_requests
      2100 nginx(11368):                    <- ngx_http_run_posted_requests
      2103 nginx(11368):                <- ngx_http_process_request
      2107 nginx(11368):            <- ngx_http_process_request_headers
      2111 nginx(11368):        <- ngx_http_process_request_line
      2114 nginx(11368):    <- ngx_http_wait_request_handler
         0 nginx(11368):    -> ngx_http_keepalive_handler
        26 nginx(11368):        -> ngx_http_close_connection
        79 nginx(11368):        <- ngx_http_close_connection
        83 nginx(11368):    <- ngx_http_keepalive_handler

    7.16 查看代码执行路径

    pp(): 输出当前被激活的探测点

    #cat ngx_http_process_request.stp
    probe process("/home/admin/tengine/bin/nginx").statement("ngx_http_process_request@src/http/ngx_http_request.c:*") {
        printf("%s\n", pp())
    #stap ngx_http_process_request.stp 


    7.17 巧用正则匹配过滤

    在排查问题时,可以利用一些正则匹配来获取自己想要的信息,比如下面是只收集*.j9.com 的堆栈:

    cat debug_tengine_5xx.stp 
    probe process("/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn").function("ngx_http_finalize_request").call {
        rc = $rc
        if (rc < 0) {
            host = "(null)"
            if ($r->headers_in->server->len != 0) {
                host = user_string_n($r->headers_in->server->data, $r->headers_in->server->len)
            } else {
                cscf = &@cast($r->srv_conf, "ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t")[@var("ngx_http_core_module@src/http/ngx_http_core_module.c")->ctx_index]
                if (cscf->server_name->len != 0) {
                     host = user_string_n(cscf->server_name->data, cscf->server_name->len)
            if (host =~ ".*\.j9\.com") {
                printf("rc: %d, host: %s\n", rc, host)
    #stap debug_tengine_5xx.stp
    WARNING: Missing unwind data for module, rerun with 'stap -d /lib64/libc-2.12.so'
    rc: -4, host: www.j9.com
     0x49af2e : ngx_http_finalize_request+0xe/0x480 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x492eab : ngx_http_core_content_phase+0x2b/0x130 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x48e74d : ngx_http_core_run_phases+0x3d/0x50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x514c3c : ngx_http_lua_socket_tcp_read+0x44c/0x590 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x513150 : ngx_http_lua_socket_tcp_handler+0x30/0x50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x475b96 : ngx_event_process_posted+0x36/0x40 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47d4d8 : ngx_worker_process_cycle+0x138/0x260 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47a38a : ngx_spawn_process+0x1ca/0x5e0 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47c73c : ngx_start_worker_processes+0x7c/0x100 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47db5f : ngx_master_process_cycle+0x3af/0x9b0 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x45a740 : main+0xa90/0xb50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x3623e1ecdd [/lib64/libc-2.12.so+0x1ecdd/0x38d000]
    rc: -4, host: cdn.j9.com
     0x49af2e : ngx_http_finalize_request+0xe/0x480 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x492eab : ngx_http_core_content_phase+0x2b/0x130 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x48e74d : ngx_http_core_run_phases+0x3d/0x50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x514c3c : ngx_http_lua_socket_tcp_read+0x44c/0x590 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x513150 : ngx_http_lua_socket_tcp_handler+0x30/0x50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x475b96 : ngx_event_process_posted+0x36/0x40 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47d4d8 : ngx_worker_process_cycle+0x138/0x260 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47a38a : ngx_spawn_process+0x1ca/0x5e0 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47c73c : ngx_start_worker_processes+0x7c/0x100 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x47db5f : ngx_master_process_cycle+0x3af/0x9b0 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x45a740 : main+0xa90/0xb50 [/home/admin/tengine/bin/t-coresystem-tengine-cdn]
     0x3623e1ecdd [/lib64/libc-2.12.so+0x1ecdd/0x38d000]

    7.18 关联数组用法

    SystemTap 的关联数组必须是全局变量,需要用 global 进行声明,其索引可以支持多达 9 项索引域,各域间以逗号隔开。支持 =, ++ 与 +=操作,其默认的初始值为 0。 例如:

    root@j9 ~# cat stap_array.stp 
    global reads
    probe vfs.read {
        reads[execname(), pid()] ++
    probe timer.s(3) {
        foreach ([execname, pid] in reads) {
            printf("%s(%d) : %d \n", execname, pid, reads[execname, pid])
        delete reads
    root@j9 ~# stap stap_array.stp 
    stapio(18716) : 16 
    rsyslogd(770) : 1 
    docker(743) : 3 
    IFSWatch(5594) : 30 
    QThread(5594) : 6 
    AliYunDunUpdate(1057) : 4 
    sshd(15118) : 1 
    sshd(15191) : 1 
    stapio(18716) : 16 
    sshd(15191) : 3 
    docker(743) : 3 
    IFSWatch(5594) : 30 
    sshd(15118) : 2 
    QThread(5594) : 12 
    AliYunDunUpdate(1057) : 8 
    root@j9 ~/systemtap#


    root@j9 ~# cat stap_array.stp
    global reads
    probe vfs.read {
        reads[execname(), pid()] ++
    probe timer.s(3) {
        foreach ([execname, pid+] in reads) {
            printf("%s(%d) : %d \n", execname, pid, reads[execname, pid])
        delete reads
    root@j9 ~# stap stap_array.stp 
    docker(743) : 3 
    rsyslogd(770) : 1 
    AliYunDunUpdate(1057) : 12 
    IFSWatch(5594) : 30 
    QThread(5594) : 12 
    sshd(15118) : 2 
    sshd(15191) : 2 
    stapio(19021) : 16 
    docker(743) : 3 
    AliYunDunUpdate(1057) : 12 
    IFSWatch(5594) : 30 
    QThread(5594) : 6 
    sshd(15118) : 1 
    sshd(15191) : 19 
    stapio(19021) : 16 
    root@j9 ~#

    7.19 调试内存泄漏以及内存重复释放

    probe begin {
    global g_mem_ref_tbl
    global g_mem_bt_tbl
    probe process("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").function("__libc_malloc").return, process("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").function("__libc_calloc").return {
        if (target() == pid()) {
            if (g_mem_ref_tbl[$return] == 0) {
                g_mem_bt_tbl[$return] = sprint_ubacktrace()
    probe process("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6").function("__libc_free").call {
        if (target() == pid()) {
            if (g_mem_ref_tbl[$mem] == 0) {
                if ($mem != 0) {
                    g_mem_bt_tbl[$mem] = sprint_ubacktrace()
            } else if (g_mem_ref_tbl[$mem] < 0 && $mem != 0) {
                //如果调用 free 已经失衡,那就出现了重复释放内存的问题,这里输出当前调用堆栈,以及这个地址上次释放的调用堆栈
                printf("g_mem_ref_tbl[%p]: %d\n", $mem, g_mem_ref_tbl[$mem])
                printf("last free backtrace:\n%s\n", g_mem_bt_tbl[$mem])
    probe end {
        foreach(mem in g_mem_ref_tbl) {
            if (g_mem_ref_tbl[mem] > 0) {
                printf("%s\n", g_mem_bt_tbl[mem])

    详细请看: http://blog.csdn.net/wangzuxi/article/details/44901285

    7.20 嵌入 C 代码

    在进程 fork 出子进程时打印出进程 id 和进程名:

    root@jusse ~/systemtap# cat copy_process.stp
    function getprocname:string(task:long)
        struct task_struct *task = (struct task_struct *)STAP_ARG_task;
        snprintf(STAP_RETVALUE, MAXSTRINGLEN, "pid: %d, comm: %s", task->pid, task->comm);
    function getprocid:long(task:long)
        struct task_struct *task = (struct task_struct *)STAP_ARG_task;
    probe kernel.function("copy_process").return
        printf("copy_process return: %p, pid: %d, getprocname: %s, getprocid: %d\n", $return, $return->pid, getprocname($return), getprocid($return));
    root@jusse ~/systemtap# stap -g copy_process.stp
    copy_process return: 0xffff880039f61800, pid: 12212, getprocname: pid: 12212, comm: bash, getprocid: 12212
    copy_process return: 0xffff880039f61800, pid: 12212, getprocname: pid: 12212, comm: bash, getprocid: 12212
    copy_process return: 0xffff880039f63000, pid: 12213, getprocname: pid: 12213, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12213
    copy_process return: 0xffff880039f63000, pid: 12213, getprocname: pid: 12213, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12213
    copy_process return: 0xffff8800081a9800, pid: 12214, getprocname: pid: 12214, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12214
    copy_process return: 0xffff8800081a9800, pid: 12214, getprocname: pid: 12214, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12214
    copy_process return: 0xffff8800004d8000, pid: 12215, getprocname: pid: 12215, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12215
    copy_process return: 0xffff8800004d8000, pid: 12215, getprocname: pid: 12215, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12215
    copy_process return: 0xffff880000564800, pid: 12216, getprocname: pid: 12216, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12216
    copy_process return: 0xffff880000564800, pid: 12216, getprocname: pid: 12216, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12216
    copy_process return: 0xffff880000566000, pid: 12217, getprocname: pid: 12217, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12217
    copy_process return: 0xffff880000566000, pid: 12217, getprocname: pid: 12217, comm: cc_epoll, getprocid: 12217

    有三个需要注意的地方: 1 )、SystemTap 脚本里面嵌入 C 语言代码要在每个大括号前加%前缀,是%{…… %} 而不是%{ …… }%; 2 )、获取脚本函数参数要用 STAP_ARG_前缀; 3 )、一般 long 等返回值用 STAP_RETURN,而 string 类型返回值要用 snprintf、strncat 等方式把字符串复制到 STAP_RETVALUE 里面。

    7.21 调试内核模块

    这小节就不细讲了,这篇博客 (http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-14528823-id-4726046.html) 写得很详细,这里只 copy 两个关键点过来记录一下: 要调试自己的内核模块,需要注意的有两个关键点: 1)、使用 SystemTap 调试内核模块,探测点的编写格式示例为: module("ext3").function("ext3_*") 2)、需要将自己的模块 cp 到 /lib/modules/uname -r/extra 目录中,否则找不到符号,如果 /lib/modules/uname -r/目录下没有 extra 这个目录,自己 mkdir 一下就可以。

    7.22 一些错误提示及解决办法

    错误提示 1:

    ERROR: MAXACTION exceeded near keyword at debug_connection.stp:86:9
    ERROR: MAXACTION exceeded near operator '->' at debug_connection.stp:84:30

    解决办法: 加上 stap 参数:-DMAXACTION=102400,如果还报这种类型的错误,只需把 102400 调成更大的值即可。

    错误提示 2:

    WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 82

    解决办法: 加上-DMAXSKIPPED=102400 和-DSTP_NO_OVERLOAD 参数


    MAXSTRINGLEN:这个宏会影响 sprintf 的 buffer 大小,默认为 512 字节。 MAXTRYLOCK:对全局变量进行 try lock 操作的次数,超过则次数还拿不到锁则放弃和跳过该探测点,默认值为 1000.全局变量多的时候可以把这个宏开大一点。


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