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V2EX  ›  evlos  ›  全部回复第 61 页 / 共 79 页
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非常有共鸣 >_<
2012-06-03 18:55:07 +08:00
回复了 msino 创建的主题 Java 看来这里Java的很少,来报数吧
2012-06-02 20:06:11 +08:00
回复了 jakobzheng 创建的主题 问与答 Win下为什么很少有人喜欢用 “我的文档” 存放东西?
@clowwindy +1 完全是一个垃圾桶,看了都头疼。。。。
2012-06-02 19:45:47 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 云计算 New Relic
2012-06-01 18:57:35 +08:00
回复了 evlos 创建的主题 硬件 大家都在用什么存储硬件组合哇?
@yoyicue 哇,5块啊,有组raid么?
2012-06-01 16:35:36 +08:00
回复了 adam0622 创建的主题 新手求助 NetBeans和Eclipse,选哪个呢?
2012-06-01 16:34:36 +08:00
回复了 adam0622 创建的主题 新手求助 NetBeans和Eclipse,选哪个呢?
2012-05-31 01:06:49 +08:00
回复了 Alien 创建的主题 分享发现 我发现了自己的同类!
Me: Test.
Robot: Test what?
Me: Test you.
Robot: What are you?
Me: I am a robot.
Robot: A robot without feelings?
Me: No, a robot with feelings.
Robot: With the feelings without.
Me: I think the grammar of this sentence is not correct.
Robot: What movies do you like?
Me: Do not try to change the subject.
Robot: What was the subject?
Me: ......
Robot: Are you worth anything?
Me: I suddenly lose my mind.
Robot: You messe up the song!
Me: So what is the correct one?
Robot: It was not a yes or no question.
Me: Of cause it is.
Robot: Do you have to obey Isaac Asimovs rules for Robots?
Me: No doubt. I told you I am a robot.
Robot: Yeah, but only a robot could wear pants that are on fire and still be ok.
Me: But the pants was burned.
Robot: But I am not a woman!
Me: Brillent answer.
Robot: You're a bit predictable.
Me: You know I will not feel happy when hearing this.
Robot: There is no plug for humans.
Me: But one day it will come true, doesn't it?
Robot: You need love!
Me: Then give it to me!
Robot: Ok.
Me: Where the love goes?
Robot: Gladly.
Me: What??
Robot: Nice.
Me: No, it is not nice.
Robot: You just said so.
Me: I said 'what'.
Robot: No, you didn't.

2012-05-31 00:44:18 +08:00
回复了 MC 创建的主题 V2EX Livid生日快乐
生日快乐 =w=
2012-05-30 05:27:18 +08:00
回复了 fanzeyi 创建的主题 JavaScript Clippy.js - Office 小助手 js 重制版
2012-05-27 22:03:25 +08:00
回复了 Tianpu 创建的主题 macOS mbp用什么浏览器好呢?
2012-05-27 21:58:23 +08:00
回复了 Weakdancer 创建的主题 问与答 请问启动不能这种语言习惯是怎么来的?
英语也有吧 比如 boot failed, transfer failed, link disconnected
2012-05-23 19:07:41 +08:00
回复了 yetone 创建的主题 问与答 你人生中最让你心动的一款电子产品是什么?
Macbook Air >_<
2012-05-23 00:20:24 +08:00
回复了 XuanYuan 创建的主题 Diablo III 呼呼,看谁再来BS我。
3D Diablo!!!
2012-05-22 17:08:01 +08:00
回复了 ipopo 创建的主题 分享发现 Moke (墨客) “粉墨”登场!
Shame on you. >_>
2012-05-21 22:09:34 +08:00
回复了 qiaoka 创建的主题 Diablo III 你的第一个人物是什么职业?
Wizard =w=
2012-05-21 22:02:38 +08:00
回复了 shoper 创建的主题 World of Warcraft 我的新手帐号竟然被BAN了?
但是邮件里面的说法是 Abuse of economy 。。。。。。
2012-05-18 06:13:57 +08:00
回复了 zythum 创建的主题 分享创造 朱一福利,关于v2ex发图以及其他地方的快捷贴图
萌神辛苦 =w=
2012-05-18 02:45:46 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Diablo III 现在你可以在 V2EX Profile 中填入你的 BattleTag 了
@Livid 保存了,楼上也是木有 >_<
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