emmm 解决了传入 attr 访问
import sys
import dis
import types
from opcode import *
import inspect
# ref:
https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200804/wicked_hack_python_bytecode_tracing.htmldef hack_line_numbers(f):
....""" Replace a code object's line number information to claim that every
........byte of the bytecode is a new line. Returns a new code object.
........Also recurses to hack the line numbers in nested code objects.
....code = f.__code__
....n_bytes = len(code.co_code)
....new_lnotab = "\x01\x01" * (n_bytes-1)
....new_consts = []
....for const in code.co_consts:
........if type(const) == types.CodeType:
....new_code = types.CodeType(
........code.co_argcount, code.co_kwonlyargcount, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags,
........code.co_code, tuple(new_consts), code.co_names, code.co_varnames,
........code.co_filename, code.co_name, 0, str.encode(new_lnotab), code.co_freevars, code.co_cellvars
....f.__code__ = new_code
....f.__is_lineno_hacked__ = True
....return f
def get_variable_name_easy(**kwargs):
....for arg_name in kwargs:
........return kwargs[arg_name], arg_name
def get_variable_name_simple(var):
....loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
....names = []
....for k, v in loc.items():
........if v == var:
....return names
# Don't work with REPL, nothing named after f_globals['<module>']
# Need to redirect a frame
# If not handled with hacked lineno,
# We must use 1-level nested no-argument function
# which directly ref to ordered variable
def get_variable_name(var):
....last_frame = sys._getframe(1)
....last_code = last_frame.f_code
....last_func_name = last_code.co_name
....last_func = None
....if last_func_name in last_frame.f_globals.keys():
........last_func = last_frame.f_globals[last_func_name]
....elif last_func_name in last_frame.f_locals.keys():
........last_func = last_frame.f_globals[last_func_name]
........# nested support
........if last_func_name in last_frame.f_back.f_globals.keys():
............last_func = last_frame.f_back.f_globals[last_func_name]
........elif last_func_name in last_frame.f_back.f_locals.keys():
............last_func = last_frame.f_back.f_locals[last_func_name]
....is_lineno_hacked = False;
....if not last_func:
........print("Holy crap. Assume we have hacked our lineno")
........is_lineno_hacked = True
....elif '__is_lineno_hacked__' in last_func.__dict__.keys():
........is_lineno_hacked = True
....if is_lineno_hacked:
........last_code_arr = bytearray(last_code.co_code)
........call_lineno = last_frame.f_lineno
........# last_code_arr[last_frame.f_lineno] = opmap['CALL_FUNCTION']
........attr_name = []
........pos_code = 2
........pos_off = 1
........load_var_op = last_code_arr[call_lineno - pos_code]
........load_var_pos = last_code_arr[call_lineno - pos_off]
........while load_var_op == opmap['LOAD_ATTR']:
............load_var_op = last_code_arr[call_lineno - pos_code]
............load_var_pos = last_code_arr[call_lineno - pos_off]
............pos_code += 2
............pos_off += 2
........if load_var_op == opmap['LOAD_FAST']:
............return '.'.join(attr_name)
........elif load_var_op == opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL'] or load_var_op == opmap['LOAD_NAME']:
............return '.'.join(attr_name)
........elif load_var_op == opmap['LOAD_DEREF']:
............return '.'.join(attr_name)
........print("I don't know, maybe just consts")
........return None
........last_func = hack_line_numbers(last_func)
........sys._getframe(0).f_locals[last_func_name] = last_func
........return last_func()
........# sys._getframe(0).f_back = last_frame.f_back
........# last_frame.clear()
def do_nothing():
hack_line_numbersdef f():
....a_var = 'str'
....print(get_variable_name(a_var)) # a_var
def g():
....ar = 1
....arrrrrgggghhhhhh = 1
....name = None
....def nested_get_varname():
........return get_variable_name(arrrrrgggghhhhhh)
....name = nested_get_varname()
....print(name) # arrrrrgggghhhhh
class A:
def h():
....test = A()
....test.t = A()
....test.t.t = 1
....return get_variable_name(test.t.t) # test.t.t
def u():
....return get_variable_name(1)
def test_all():